Friday, December 6, 2013

Shanghai: Alaskan Crab

Their Alaskan crab looks a lot more yummier than the one in the US

Taipei Pork Chop With Egg and Vegetables

Pork Chop and Egg looks great. Don't like the color on the vegetables that I didn't really plan on eating anyway. Good feng shui.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Taipei Red Fish

Tastes better than it looks. Watch out for bones.

Taipei Fatty Meat

Lots of salt, oil, fat. Be warned

Taipei Empty Vegetables

Has a decent amount of salt, but otherwise healthy.

Taipei Meat Platter

Good mix. The plate sort of makes it look like a taco.

Taipei Pineapple Cake Made by my cousin's aunt

FIVE DIFFERENT flavors. Too much flavor in such small bites.

Taipei: Roast Pork with Vegetables

Looks and taste greats, albeit predictable.

Taipei: Pork with cucumber

 Elegantly placed, although the color on the pork does not look to appetitizing. Tasted great though.

Be careful with your food in China

Being sealed increases its cleanliness quality probability, albeit I once still had shrimp in mine. Ew!

Taipei: Fried Fish

Tastes burnt, but I like fish and lemon.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tainan: Xiao Chi: Fried Clams

Not recommended if you have cholesterol problems.
Recommended if you like awesome tasting food.

Oah Jian

Must eat in Taiwan!
Taiwanese Oysters! Hence the title of this website!

Tainan: Coffin Bread

This is the equivalent of the American pot pie but with a tastier softer crust.

Sun Moon Lake 3: WuGu Chicken

It looks different but tastes like a standard chicken in soup. Part of Sun Moon Lake culture though.

Sun Moon Lake 3: Shrimp with Sauce and Corn

These shrimp are sort of like a candy whistle. More for decoration than for eating. Then again, how can you go wrong with seafood in Sun Moon Lake?

Sun Moon Lake 3: Mushrooms and Beans

These mushrooms are really juicy cause of the sauce. The beans are great too, if you feel like you have had too much sauce.
Do not drink the sauce though. Very salty.

Sun Moon Lake 3: Fatty Rib

Very tasty. Like the prior meat, worth eating, although I question why they put both meats out at the same time..

Sun Moon Lake 3: Steamed Fatty Meat

Even though the meat is fatty, at least it got steamed in leaves. There's also onions.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sun Moon Lake 3: Saucy Chicken

This chicken really is not a curry based flavor, nor the sauciest. There's better stuff worth eating. If you have nothing else to do, eat it.

Sun Moon Lake 3: Meat Platter

This time divided in 4s. Good feng shui, although the number is unlucky. Maybe that's why they added the sauces with the salty meat.

Sun Moon Lake 3: Vinegar Soup

A classic and large in quantity

Sun Moon Lake 2: Desserts

Wonderfully arranged in circles adding to the Fengshui. Not to mention, all the fruits are round in some fashion, from the half melon or orangers to the cut cakes, not to mention the grapes with green and pink-white hues.

Sun Moon Lake 2: Fatty Meat

This fatty meat is very fatty, but good for at special occasion

Sun Moon Lake 2: Dried Seafood

Dry and salty. Must eat at Sun Moon Lake though.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sun Moon Lake 2: Big Fish

The fish is cut in half making it look bigger and more appetizing. There is a decent amount of onions strategically placed. Sauce is not necessary, put on the bottom.

Sun Moon Lake 2: Beef with Peas

Full of fat, oil and salt. Unhealthy if you dare. Peas balance a little but who's eating how little they are?

Sun Moon Lake 2: Meat Platter

 The food may be healthier with grapefruit but has a Chinese oriented taste from the meat on the left and right. The meat is also not too organized

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sun Moon Lake: Now, that's what I call a 5 star breakfast!

 Vegetables and Lotus in boats

Assorted dry fruits that are a little moist.

That! (Some sort of fossilized vegetable I am guessing. Just kidding!)

Pork sausage and some of the fattiest bacon I have ever seen. Don't eat if you fear dying!